Sunday, November 25, 2018

Anime BS: 26 ["Color Coded for the Color-Blind"]

In this episode the hosts talk about the anime in the fall 2018 anime season. We go from Goblin Slayer to Gridman, and everything in-between.Since the podcast is later in the season then normal please be aware of spoilers for some of the shows.

 Intro is "Union/SSSSGridman" from Studio Megaane. Outro is "Night Falls (Ending)" by Taku Inoue from the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soundtrack published by namco
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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Anime BS: 25 ["Not Happy, nor Sugar, nor Life"]

In this episode the host talk about what shows they watched last season, that being the summer 2018 anime season. They also talk about some anime movies because of pietros lack of watching seasonal shows.


 Intro is "La vie d'une femme" from the Kekkai Sensen & Beyond Soundtrack by Pauline and Taisei Iwasaki published by TOHO Animation Records. Outro is "Night Falls (Ending)" by Taku Inoue from the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soundtrack published by namco
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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Anime BS: 24 ["Matsuricon & Gamescom"]

In this podcast the hosts talk about their recent trip to Matsuricon in Columbus Ohio. Then the host talk about games they enjoyed watching from gamescom. After all that the hosts get to talking about some of their thoughts on some of the shows this current season.

 Intro is "Impend" from the Halo 2 Soundtrack by Martin O'Donnell published by Microsoft Game Studios. Outro is "Night Falls (Ending)" by Taku Inoue from the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soundtrack published by namco
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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Anime BS: 23 ["Summer 2018 Impressions/HentaiCast"]

In this episode of the Anime BS Podcast some of the hosts talk about their discovery into the world of awful hentai spurred by anime cons late night panels. After the host retread their way back to sanity the hosts hit on some of the shows from last season such as darling on the franxx and golden kamui. After that, we delve into the summer 2018 anime season. Will their sanity remain? Probably not....but we can hope for the best...


 Host on this cast are: Noah, Mark, Sir Croc, and Pietro

Intro is "Dream Island Obsessional Park" from the Paranoia Agent Soundtrack by Susumu Hirasawa. Outro is "Night Falls (Ending)" by Taku Inoue from the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soundtrack published by namco

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Anime BS: 22 ["E3 2018/BS cast Resurrection"]

Its true...It's true...It's dam true...we are back from the dead... after procrastination, sicknesses, and corrupted files.. the Anime BS Podcast rises again. In this episode we talk about what has been going on since last time. talk about cons we have been to, and other useless info. But, In our main topic we talk about things that went down at E3 this year and out complaints/expectations of the future of the gaming world. 

Host on this cast are: Noah, Mark, Sir Croc, and Pietro
Intro is "Dance of Curse 2" from the Escaflowne Movie Soundtrack by Hajime Mizoguchi and Yoko Kanno. Outro is "Night Falls (Ending)" by Taku Inoue from the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soundtrack published by namco

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Anime BS: 21 ["Live from Japan"]

In this late episode.... that is late for a good reason this time... two of our podcasters are live from the land of anime itself.....Japan. Mark and Joe stream right from Tokyo and talk about some of the things they have done while in japan. Also in this podcast we hit on some of the news and games from march 2018.
 Host on this cast are: Noah, Mark, Sir Croc, Pietro, and Joe

Intro is "Here Comes The Rain" from the Gungrave (PS2) Soundtrack. Outro is "Night Falls (Ending)" by Taku Inoue from the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soundtrack published by namco

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Anime BS: 20 ["Ya'll got goku?"]

In this episode we return to our roots...back to pietro's apartment where the first podcast was made and then scrapped never to see the light of day again. We also return to a round-table discussion of recent anime, games, and general "bs"-ery. (i know that isn't a word...w/e i do what i want). So come on in, and sit down, then join us in our decent into madness.

 Host on this cast are: Noah, Mark, Sir Croc, Pietro, bijan, and Kaz(aka Eugene)

Intro is "Forces" from the Berserk 1997 Soundtrack by Susumu Hirasawa published by 平沢進. Outro is "Night Falls (Ending)" by Taku Inoue from the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soundtrack published by namco

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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Anime BS: 19 ["Winter Review / Spring Impressions"]

Prepare yourselves to enter the sea of salt... In this episode the hosts talk about that they liked about the winter anime season, then we enter the domain of salt...will noah be able to like any show this season? Will the other hosts be able to swim through the salt to save him? all that, and some game reviews in this episode of dragon salt z...

 Host on this cast are: Noah, Mark, Sir Croc, Pietro, and Kaz(aka Eugene)

Intro is "The Waves on the Mirror's Surface (8 bit)" from the Land of the Lustrous 8 bit Soundtrack by Studio Megaane published by Studio Megaane. Outro is "Night Falls (Ending)" by Taku Inoue from the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soundtrack published by namco

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